Monitoring & Evaluation

Summary of results: sporadic sales reflect emerging markets
Increasing micro-irrigation adoption requires integrating sales and service. iDE’s monitoring and evaluation team measured the number of drip kits sold through the SDC Scaling Up Productive Water Phase II project in the countries/regions of interest during the period of implementation (2014-2016). One of the goals of the project was to scale the uptake of these technologies globally, thus sales wa...

Burkina Faso: Some subsidy is necessary to kick-start a market
iDE acts as a short term financial supporter and advisor to demonstrate the potential of BoP markets to the private sector. Often, despite there being a significant demand in the market for a product, it may not be enough for investors to take the financial risk of beginning a new venture especially when the consumers are from BoP communities and do not have a lot of money to spend. In such condit...

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan: Higher yields for farmers
Water savings, increased yields, and income gains are among the measured impact of drip irrigation. Micro-irrigation technology had been introduced in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan for the first time in the 1970s. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, installed drip irrigation systems deteriorated and new, commercially-supplied drip systems were too sophisticated and thus neither suitable n...

Nicaragua: Selling more with drip
Income generation is only one of the positive outcomes of successfully implemented MIT.

Vietnam: The evidence confirms MIT increases profit and water efficiency
Statistically significant data indicates micro-irrigation technology (MIT) increases incomes and water efficiency. iDE’s monitoring and evaluation team conducted a rigorous quasi-experimental evaluation of crop production and income changes in Vietnam in February/March 2016. The study found that the differences between treatment and control groups were statistically significant for all crop produc...

All Sales Graphs
One of the goals of the project was to scale the uptake of these technologies globally, thus sales was selected as an indication of successful scaling. iDE’s monitoring and evaluation team measured the number of drip kits sold through the SDC Scaling Up Productive Water Phase II project in the countries/regions of interest during the period of implementation (2014-2016).